Thursday, October 25, 2007

In the beginning, there was...

A couple of guildmates from Dominicide decided that it would be kooky and fun (maybe just fun) if we created a new guild consisting of only Paladins and Shamans. Having no interest in pallies whatsoever (my main is a feral druid, so a tankadin was out of the question, and I hate healing), and since I had a great deal of fun levelling my 12th level Draenei Shaman on Lightninghoof, I rolled one up.

I joined Yesterday. Currently it is patch 2.2.3

Horde-side, Twisting Nether (US). The guild is called Shocks and Seals.

Etsuko, current level 9 Troll Elemental Shaman
Her name means "Joyous child" or something like that.

I needed something new and exciting to do, and quite frankly the people who started or are members of this guild are pretty entertaining, so I thought I'd give it a try!

And thus, our story begins...

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