This site is now also powered by WoWHead. If you don't know about this site already, it's basically a better Thottbot, except it doesn't have the custom weighting but it does have a slick look.
The other thing it has is javascript so that your site can use its popups when linking an item. Hover over it. Try it.
Thanks to this WoWInsider article for the awesome tip! (Note: I coloured you in legendary cause I <3 you, Mrs. WoWInsider with your funny writing)
Friday, November 23, 2007
WoWered by WoWHead (sorry)
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So uh... why do they call it the Deadmines?
I went to the Deadmines last night with a couple of guildies (shammy and a pally). The first thing you'll note about the place is that it is some kind of mining paradise. While my guildies were busy pwning level 18 elites, I was hoarding (horde-ing?) all the copper, tin, and silver I could cart out of there.
The second thing you'll notice is how much cooler this place is than the dreaded 3 hour tour that is the Wailing Caverns. I mean, this place has an entire section devoted to pirates! I even stole one of their parrots, but I was forced to strangle it when it kept repeating what I was saying (gawk, repeating what I was saying). The design is much better than WC, and there's even a backdoor for quick and safe exiting.
The third thing is that the place is kinda buggy. Besides the shredder pathing abuse, which allowed us to defeat the boss and his minion even though our pally forgot to bubble (the noob), there seems to be some weird aggro going on. And the safety wheel on the ship.
All in all though, we had no wipes and 3 manned the entire instance at level 21 with no tanks or healers. Of course the enhancement shaman and ret pally in this group were kinda twinked with their fiery weapons that shoot shadowbolts and what not. Here I am with my puny +11 nature damage (+18 post-Deadmines loot) tickling mobs with my ~100 damage lightning bolts feeling like the little kid who is shooting in a small nerf hoop while his big brothers shoot on the big people hoops.
After making out with another level and some nice gloves, we had to come up with something else to do. Let's see... we were three young males, still feeling the rush of 3 manning an instance that was around our level, and already in enemy territory. You can see where this is going.
We ended up owning (read: pwning) a whole bunch of level 23-29s in Raven Hill until they called in a couple of 70s. That, of course, meant we had to bring our 70s. All I'm saying is.... East Siiiiiiiiide.
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Monday, November 19, 2007
The Waiting Game
Etsuko has hit 20 for a week or more now. With the arrival of 2.3, leveling from 20-60 will be much easier, especially with my guildies. However, it seems like they have lost the will to play this quirkily-themed band of Hordies, so I really don't have much more to report, except that soloing as a elemental shaman from 15-20 was a bit odorous.
Now it's probably not as bad as it is for you healy types. But my main is a druid, so I'm used to tanking 5 gorillas, and then my first alt is a shadow priest, and we all know how busty they are, so having trouble with quests even slightly higher than my level was quite a bummer. I've even been buying random equipment to try to help myself out.
With some help from rested XP and some lower-than-me level quests, though, I made it to 20. Here's to hoping my guildies will level me the rest of the way.
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